Sage Partner Cloud Hosting Demo for Sage 100 Users

Sage Partner Cloud

Have you heard? Sage Partner Cloud powered by Microsoft Azure is the latest and greatest cloud hosting option for Sage 100 and Sage 300 users! Read on to learn more about Sage Partner Cloud, key benefits of accessing your Sage product via Sage Partner Cloud, frequently asked questions we receive when discussing the options and see a recorded demo of the Sage Partner Cloud environment. 

What is Sage Partner Cloud?

Sage Partner Cloud optimizes Sage customers’ ability to work remotely while controlling costs, on both a short and long-term basis. Sage Partner Cloud allows our partners to deploy Sage 100 and Sage 300 more quickly on the Microsoft Azure cloud, enabling them to fully tailor the deployment and manage ISV add-ons to meet the customer’s unique needs.

Sage Partner Cloud

DSD has already deployed Sage Partner Cloud for nearly 50 of our Sage 100 clients and we’d love to help move you too. Interested in learning more? Email us at

Sage Partner Cloud Benefits


Sage partners can help customers create unique business management solutions by integrating with other programs and customizing them to meet their specific needs. ​


As customers go along the digital path, Sage Partner Cloud automates the deployment of Sage 100 in the cloud, causing less disruption and saving users time.


Sage customers can rest assured that their data is safe and secure thanks to Microsoft Azure's well-respected and dependable security.


Customers can continue to utilize Sage 100, saving money on training and project expenses while also minimizing downtime.

Sage Partner Cloud FAQs

When considering migrating to the cloud, it’s important to have as much information as possible before making a decision. There are lots of great questions businesses have that we would love to help answer. Will your data get backed up? Will you be more secure in the cloud? How can Sage Partner Cloud be a part of your long-term strategy? Fortunately, we have all of these answers and more that we are more than happy to share with you. Check out our Sage Partner Cloud Frequently Asked Questions Brochure below to get the answers you’re searching for.

Sage Partner Cloud Frequently Asked Questions Brochure

Sage Partner Cloud Demo On-Demand

Interested in seeing Sage Partner Cloud in action? Check out our demo that goes over key features, addresses the most common questions that organizations have, and gives you an in-depth and real time look into how Sage Partner Cloud works.

Want to learn more about Sage Partner Cloud?

Contact us or check out our resource center!

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