Session Highlights – Sage 100: The Road Ahead


One of the most interesting sessions I attended at Sage Summit 2016 was “Sage 100: The Road Ahead”.  Each year at this event, Sage discusses each of the Sage product lines and covers what new features have been released, what they are currently working on, and what they are planning for future releases.

One of the largest changes announced for the Sage product line was the plan to upgrade the Sage 100 Payroll module into the Business Framework.  As many of you may know, the Payroll module has been in the Legacy framework for quite some time, while other modules have been updated.  Now that the Payroll module will be released in the new Business Framework (Payroll 2.0), this will open up the possibilities to do much more with the Sage 100 Payroll module, such as increased capabilities with Custom Office, Scripting, and Payroll will now be available for users running Sage 100 Premium.  Sage will begin releasing the new Payroll 2.0 module with an initial pre-release slated for October 2016 and the full release of the module scheduled for v2018.


Additional announcements made at the Sage 100: The Road Ahead session included bringing the Job Cost and Work Order modules into the Business Framework as well.  Updates to those modules will be released later, most likely in June 2017. Related: Considering Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software? This free guide will help you calculate ROI and understand whether or not ERP IS RIGHT FOR YOU.Download it here. Other features announced were the addition of Electronic Invoicing, Global Search, Office 365 Integration, Multi-Bin, Document Management and Bank Statement Automation, though little details were provided in regards to these feature additions.

It’s important to note that many of the features discussed are what is currently planned, and some of these may not make it into a final release.  Sage does note on each slide in the presentation that everything discussed is subject to change.

Nicole Ronchetti

Nicole Ronchetti,
Product specialist at DSD Business Systems

Sage 100 ERP
PayrollSage Summit

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